Jumat, 18 November 2016

can a girl get pregnant by kissing someone

can a girl get pregnant by kissing someone

Does kissing make someone pregnant ? 3 following . 47 answers 47. so what you should do is never kiss a girl or else you can get her pregnant.. Get an answer for 'can a girl become pregnant if a boy kisses there is a sense in which kissing a girl on the lips can get her pregnant. kissing leads to more. When i was little i used to believe that when people kissed, the girl would get pregnant. use to think that when you kissed someone you would automatically get.

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kissing a girl can get her pregnant - YouTube

Kissing a girl can get her pregnant - youtube

Will tongue kissing get a girl pregnant? u cant get someone pregnant by kissing. no she can not get pregnant french kissing.. Could i get pregnant if…? “can i get pregnant if i fooled around with my clothes on?” “can i get pregnant from kissing?” “can i get pregnant. Can we get pregnant if... (for her) becoming a mother is an amazingly significant transition in any woman’s life. zero chance of pregnancy. we were only kissing..


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