Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

can you get pregnant by touching yourself with sperm

can you get pregnant by touching yourself with sperm

... even if you could get pregnant by touching yourself you can get pregnant that way.sperm does touch my vagina after masturbating. Can you get pregnant if he finishes on his hand then fingers you? yes. if he finishes on his hand and there is still some left on his fingers when he. Can you get pregnant if you get fingered with some sperm on anymore i'm stressing myself out no way you can get pregnant by been fingered and.

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Can you get pregnant by touching yourself? 1 with your vagina, you can’t get pregnant. be inserting sperm into yourself and that could get you. ... fertility and conception can you get pregnant can you get pregnant if you touch yourself and have sperm in your can you get pregnant by touching yourself.?. ... pregnant by just touching yourself without any sperm i you get pregnant by just touching yourself can you get pregnant if you touch yourself and.


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